Final Thoughts
This is the end...
My only friends...the end?? Or is it? Yes, yes it is...Or is it??
It has been an amazing journey. 9 months ago I had no idea what I had coming. I laughed, I cried, I ate some cheese. And now its gone. The time, not the cheese...well technically the cheese is long gone but that's not the point. The point is I had the time of my life and now it's over. Wow, that sounds depressing. It's not...It's fantastic. I have learned a lot and gotten a lot out of my time and hopefully have become a better person from it. I have just gotten a taste of traveling and have met people from all over the globe. I plan to visit, you have been warned...just not today...or tomorrow but consider buying a cot or a futon soon.
These 9 months may be gone but won't be forgotten thanks to this blog. Al has been printing my postings out so I can put them in a photo album along side my pictures. Thank you Al.
Something else I would love to put in these albums is a guest book of the people who have been following along. It has been great hearing from everyone who has been interested in my where-abouts. You have been inspirational. Thank you.
So please, if you have been reading along, casually or over-obsessive (mom...kidding...but not really), send me an email with your name and any comments you may have to:
You can also write me at:
13523 107 A av
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5M 2A6
Please enclose $20 "processing fee" kidding...but seriously, Im broke.
It would mean a lot, even if its a one liner.
So with that I leave you, well not totally. My blogging days are not up yet cause apparently I am fascinating. It may not be as interesting...or it may. I could write about saving money on long distance! Everyone can benefit from that!But mostly my going on's and some stories I have been working on. My first posting will be "The Manifesto for a better Shaun"
Till then,
Prost, Op uw gezondheid, Zivjeli, Na zdraví , Skaal, Skál, Proost, Jamas, Kedvesegeszsegerel, Saude, Slainte, Cin cin, Salute, Uz veselibu , Saha wa'afiab, ZumWohl, and my favorite, Kippis( pronouced like "Get pissed!")