So much food in such little time. After a night out in Toronto, Erin

and I were off to visit some family for Thanksgiving. We stayed in London with her parents who are fantastic people and made me feel very welcome.
We spent Sunday afternoon at Erin's sister's place in Chatum with the company of her husband Tim and there cute puppy Joey. There we had a great turkey dinner with all the fixin's. Everyone watched me as I tried pistachio salad, a 3/4 Pongracz family favorite, for the first time. It was good, I had it for breakfast the next day. Wish I was eating some right now...

Erin's folks were kind enough to lend us there van so the next day we headed out to Sarnia to visit my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins for one last time this trip. We arrived still full from the night prior only to find out that we would be eating more turkey. Better still, Mike would be deep frying the turkey...there is something so funny and delicious about that. The whole process looked like a science experiment. Thankfully it did not go wrong, dinner was great and I was happy to visit the Dillabough's again.
Armed with a bog of left overs from Danni, we bussed it back to TO. 2 more days of relaxing and then Im heading back to Edmonton,back to reality....Pray for me.
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