New York Pt2.
Something or someone didn't want us in New York...or at least in a timely fashion. It took us over 3 hours to get to our hotel from the airport.

Let me break it down:
It took 45 min to get from the runway to the terminal. It took an hour to get our bags because there was a problem with the belt system. Clearing customs took an extra 1/2 hour because the customs officer forgot to stamp my immigration card. It took over 1/2 to get to the terminal with the subway conection because of a problem with the skytrain. It kept going back and forth between the same few terminals.
All in all it took almost as much time to get form the airport to the hostel as it did flying from Iceland to New York. You think that would have bothered us but no, we just laughed it off cause really, what else would you do?
It was pushing 4:30 am Iceland time when we got seteled in the hostel but we were both a little wired. We headed out and ate the best pizza U have ever had (even better than in Italy!) then had a beer at a pub before the time change caught up with us.

The next morning we were both awake lying in bed listening to this squeaking noise. Scott was convinced it was a rat. Awesome, a true New York experience!
We got up feeling like it was noon, which it was in Iceland. It was 8:45 in New York but that was good, we had a full day to explorer the city. We ate breakfast at a deli then made out way to Trump tower where we had coffee and discussed business strategies. Who else can say they have done that??? Besides Donald of course.

We carried on past Rockefeller center and the NBC studios to central park. Strolled through the park, took a picture for some girls from Sarnia
(small world) then made our way to the museum of modern art. It was pricey but was worth it as they have Van Gogh's "Starry Night" a painting I had hoped to see in Amsterdam. the museum also had some cool paintings by Dali, Monet, and Andy Warhol.

After getrting our art on, we made out way by the Radio City Music Hall and the CBS studio where they tape

After rolling our way out of the deli we walked...Slowly and painfully up to the Time Warner CNN studio then to

By this point the time and grotesque amount of food we just consumed caught up with us. We headed back to the hostel for a lay down. We needed our energy as it was Friday night in NYC and Erin was on her way from Toronto to party with us.

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