Meet the Robertson's

I arrived at my Gandma's late afternoon and as expected the first words out of her mouth were "So, what do you want to eat?" Such a sweet lady and still laughing and joking at 86 years young. We talked and laughed. I repeatedly got the story about how when I was born she came to help out my parents. After a few weeks under Granny's care I ballooned in size and no one knew why. They also did not understand why they were going through so much formula. Put those together and you get Grandma serving me straight formula that was supposed to be diluted. But I was still cute.
The next morning I awoke to the smell of crepes. I have definitely been treated very well since getting back to Canada! I spent the next couple days visiting with Grandma and my musically gifted uncle Fred. He had a digital recording studio and was nice enough to set it up in my room. I managed to get one song recorded and asked Fred if he could put some lead guitar to it. After one listen he layed down a nifty track. I thought it was pretty cool to have a recording with my uncle whom I never see.

Another Uncle was in town with his family so we visited them as well as an Aunt and some cousins. It was a lot of fun hearing stories about my parents or my grandparents and there up bringing.
It was another hard place to leave as I was getting very comfy at Grandma's.
Next up T.O.
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