Its amazing how the motivation to do this fades when internet is so readily available. It could also be the teenager/bums life I have been living..."I said I 'll do it laaater!" I spent my last week in YK living like that...and I liked it. I was up till 4 am every night and slept till the crack of noon everyday. I snuck out and even stole beer from my mom to go to a party. How funny is that?
I did get down the lake to my dad's cabin and it was great. I fished, played guitar, and played with my dad's dog Maggie. I caught dinner and it was tasty, possibly better than my dad's fried fish. Al packed me some bear spray which was nice cause there was bear shit everywhere. The shore I hiked to was stained purple and looked as though there was a not so teddy bears picnic going on. When my dad picked me up he told me he forgot to mention that he saw a bear there a week prior. Thanks dad.
Other highlights while in YK was the airshow and the "Four Full Inches" get together. This was a band I played in out of high school. Mike flew up for the weekend and we went out for drinks with Erwin, a guitarist in the band. We ended up running into Margaret, the lead singer. Good times were had catching up. After the bar my cousin Trevor ferried us to my brother's house boat for some after hour drinks. I don't have any pictures with me of my time in YK but will post some in the future. I met a lot of people in Europe whi asked about Yellowknife. I was surprised to find it a very pretty spot, espically with the 6 hour or so sun set/rise.
Meet the St.Amour's

After a quick stop over in Edmonton (long enough to see who I wanted to see and eat some great sushi) my mother and I were off to Toronto. We rented a car and drove up to my Grandparents cottage east of Sudbury. There we spent a few days visiting and celebrating my grandparents 80th birthdays. It was great to visit with everyone as I dont get out this way often. The birthday party itself was more like a reunion. It was great visiting and meeting relitives for what felt like the first time.
Quiet days at the cottage were spent playing with my little cousins,

After a visit at my Aunt Marry's in Sudbury we were off to Sarnia to stay with my Aunt Ann for a couple nights. I will post a few pictures from there soon. Till then, here are some from my time at the lake and golfing:

5 Am on Lake Agnew

Sunset on lake Agnew - I was helping my Uncle put his boat away and while he was off to get the trailer I zipped out to the middle of the lake, watched the sunset and took a leak.

My with cousins Nathan, Maria, and Griffen

Nathan teeing up.

Never to old for video games or to young to drive a golf cart

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